
Been Burned By Dieting?

I'll Help You Stop Binge Eating & Heal Your Relationship With Food

Join the 330+ other Aussie women who have taken back control over food and no longer experience food guilt or shame. 

Been Burned By Dieting?

I'll Help You Stop Binge Eating & Heal Your Relationship With Food

Join the 270+ other Aussie women who have taken back control over food and no longer experience food guilt or shame. 

Diets Have Betrayed You

Hey Queen 👋👑

I'm so so sorry...

Just like myself and millions of other women, you've been betrayed by the very things that promised to make you 'healthy'...


But it's not your fault!

The health industry has been feeding us a lie for ages ... pushing this broken system that's all about eating super healthy, restricting calories and getting those quick weight loss wins.

But here's the kicker: trying to be 'healthy' and following restrictive diets often leads to binge eating issues and a terrible relationship with food.

And I'm guessing that's why you're reading this page right now, right?

So, time to hit pause and rethink this whole game plan 😤

I'm Mikaela: Your Partner in Rebelution Against Diet Culture

Alright, Rebelutionary, listen up!

I'm Mikaela Schifferle, your fellow rebel in this war against diet culture tyranny.

I've danced with the devil of restrictive diets, squeezed into those suffocating skinny jeans, and chugged enough shakes to drown a unicorn.

But guess what? I survived, and now I'm here to help you reclaim your power, one delicious bite at a time.

I'm a qualified nutritionist and binge eating specialist who's been lucky enough to have helped hundreds of amazing women to stop binge eating and completely transform their relationship with food.


Screw The Diets, Embrace The Sass

Here at KJ Wellness, we're not about squeezing into society's narrow standards of beauty or bowing down to the tyranny of diet culture.

Oh no ... we're all about flipping the bird to the status quo and embracing our sass, our curves and our love for food!

With our rebellious blend of science-backed strategies and a sprinkle of attitude, we're here to help you reclaim your body, your mind, and your appetite for life.

We'll help you to stop binge eating and take back control over food.

And with your newfound power, you'll be able to naturally achieve any health or weight loss goal you have. 

Rebelutionary Programs To Help You Stop Binge & Emotional Eating 

Ready to join the Rebelution?

Dive into my two primary programs, both designed to kick diet culture to the curb and help you unleash your inner badass by conquering binge eating and taking back total control over food.

If you're craving a squad of like-minded rebels, then my signature 8-week Undiet Program is for you. This is a hybrid coaching program that involves both one-on-one and group components.

If you're looking for more in-depth one-on-one support, my premium 12-week 1-On-1 Binge Eating Program might be the better choice for you.

Whatever you'd prefer, we've got the tools, the sass, and the snacks to fuel your journey to rebellion.




The Naked Wellness Podcast

Join me on the Naked Wellness podcast, where I get down and deliciously dirty with nutrition and health! 

We're all about debunking health myths and serving up sizzling interviews with experts who know how to dish it out. 

With me as your fearless host, you'll learn to unleash your inner food rebel and kick those restrictive diets to the curb ... one episode at a time.


Cheers to Our Rebelutionary Warriors: Real Stories, Real Liberation

Meet just a few of our Rebelutionary warriors — fearless women who dared to defy diet culture, break free from its chains, and reclaim their bodies and their lives.

From conquering binge eating to embracing self-love, their stories will inspire and ignite your own rebellion. So grab your battle gear, raise a toast, and let's march to the beat of our own drum!

Melissa's Experience

Faith's Experience

Kath's Experience

Rachel's Experience

Maddy's Experience

Olivia's Experience

Isabella's Experience

Sian's Experience

Lauren's Experience

Payton's Experience

Mikaela's Experience

Liv's Experience

Jade's Experience

Maddy's Experience

Izzy's Experience

Daphne's Experience

Isabella's Experience

Ready To Join The Rebelution?

The revolution is calling, Rebelutionary! Whether you're ready to dive headfirst into the rebellion or just dipping your toes in the water, there's a place for you in our army of sass, snacks, and self-love. So grab your cape, buckle up, and let's rewrite the rules, one deliciously defiant bite at a time!

You'll be binge-free before you can say ... "BING(E)O".

C O N T A C T   U S   H E R E

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