
Let?s start off by saying that you are already on the right track by reading an article on ?sustainable weight loss'. 

When it comes to weight loss there is no quick fix; no cookie-cutter approach that will work for everyone in the long run. Everyone is so unique, and everyone?s bodies require different amounts of energy, macronutrients, water, exercise and so on. I?m going to break this right down for you, as I want you to completely understand what exactly sustainable dieting is. So, let?s begin by talking about the ?quick fix diets.?

When I say ?quick fix diets?, I am talking about the ones that promise that you will lose X amount (normally over 10kg) of weight with X amounts of weeks (normally around 2-5 weeks). People peddling these diets also say things like ?this diet will change your life forever?, ?you?ll never look back?, ?all you have to do is eat this one extra food and your fat will melt off overnight? etc.

What they ?forget? to mention when advertising these diets is all of the unsustainable restrictions and rules you must follow. They forget to tell you that in order to get results, you will need to give up your social life (yep no more fun), give up alcohol, stop eating carbohydrates (goodbye bread and pasta ?), don?t touch sugar (goodbye ice cream and chocolate) etc. They forget to tell you that you will be constantly tired, irritable, and quite possibly miserable. 

Studies show that approximately 90% of people who lose a lot of weight by dieting eventually end up regaining all of it, and many even end up putting on even more weight than they started with. As a nutritionist and weight loss coach who?s helped hundreds of people to lose weight, the reasoning behind this seems simple to me? 

Because people follow diets that are unsustainable. I always tell my clients that when you?re trying to lose weight, you have to eat in a way that you?re comfortable eating for the rest of your life. When you go on a restrictive diet and end up cutting out your favourite foods and deprive yourself of major food groups, it?s extremely unlikely that you?ll be able to eat like this for the rest of your life. After a few weeks of dieting, it?s almost inevitable that you?ll ?blow out? and end up reverting back to eating all of the foods that you?ve been depriving yourself of. And not only this, but it?s likely that you?ll end up binging these foods, which will leave you feeling guilty and sad. Instead of just having a few squares of chocolate or 2 slices of toast, you will eat the whole block of chocolate along with the whole loaf of bread. This binging behaviour could carry on for a week or longer and ultimately lead to you regaining the weight you lost. You will feel out of control, defeated and disheartened. Subsequently, you?ll then go hunting for another ?quick fix diet? because the last one ?failed? you.  

Does the aforementioned scenario sound familiar to you? If so, then I feel you... Before I became a nutritionist, I was also stuck in this vicious cycle of constantly looking for the newest and quickest way to lose weight. I understand how convincing some people make certain diets sound. I?m not even blaming you for wanting to try them out. But today is where it all stops. 

Today is where you learn how to sustainably lose weight and keep it off for good. You will NEVER have to go hunting for a new ?quick fix diet? again. 

What Exactly Is Sustainable Weight Loss?

Sustainable weight loss is when you lose weight without restricting your lifestyle or removing certain foods from your diet. It shouldn?t involve ?dieting? and is often associated with implementing healthy habits that will help you to lose weight over time and allow you to keep that weight off in the long run.

It often involves working closely with a qualified nutritionist or dietician to work out your body?s individual requirements for weight loss. 

You still get to socialise, enjoy alcohol, eat carbohydrates and sugar (all in moderation, of course). With sustainable weight loss, you?ll also learn how to eat the correct portions for your individual body, how to have a healthy relationship with food, as well as how to be comfortable and confident around food. 

Basically, you won?t ever be searching for a new ?quick fix diet? again. 

Sustainable Weight Loss Is The Quickest Way To Lose Weight (And Keep It Off)

A question I get asked a lot is, ?how long will it take me to lose the weight??

...It's important to note that there is no magic number here. Everyone?s journey will look completely different. Yes, initially, you may lose weight a little slower when following the principles of sustainable weight loss. However, in the long run, you?re going to have lost a lot more weight than you would?ve if you were constantly dieting (*remember that vicious dieting cycle that we talked about above*). When following the principles of sustainable weight loss, your weight will decrease in a more linear fashion. Sure, like anything in life, some weeks will be better than others; but in the long run, your weight will consistently be going down. Alternatively, when following fad diets, your weight will be dramatically dropping and increasing in a never-ending cycle of peaks and troughs.

Thus, I like to say that sustainable weight loss is the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off!

Is There Proof That Sustainable Dieting Actually Works?

Sustainable dieting has been proven to work time and time again. A particular study found that 84% of clients who completed a sustainable weight loss program designed by a health professional (e.g. nutritionist) lost their weight and were able to keep it off in the long run. Other studies have also found that sustainable weight loss leads to myriad other benefits, including:

As a qualified nutritionist and the founder of a weight loss company, I?ve also found that sustainable weight loss programs are the most effective and surefire way to help people lose weight and keep it off in the long run.

So yes, sustainable weight loss has been proven to work. Yes, there are many proven health benefits associated with it. So, why is everyone not doing it? 

Think about it. Compared to losing 10kg progressively over the course of 3 months, how much more exciting does losing 10kg in 1 month sound? The former option is more attractive to many because it?s human nature to want results quickly, without having to put in much work. 

However, as someone who lives and breathes this industry, I can promise you that the long-term benefits of sustainable weight loss far outweigh the short-term results that a ?quick fix diet? may get you.

"How Do I Know Sustainable Weight Loss Is For Me?"

Sustainable dieting is for you if you can say yes to the following:

If you did not answer yes to any of the above, then I can almost guarantee that at some point in the future, after you?ve tried a bunch of diets, you will. 

The restrictive dieting cycle becomes exhausting. So just remember, when you?ve had enough, and are ready to lose weight in a healthy and maintainable way, sustainable dieting will always be there to help you. Unlike fad diets that come and go like the wind, the principles of sustainable weight loss have been around since the dawn of time, and they?re not going anywhere soon.

"I Want To Start My Sustainable Weight Loss Journey. What Are The Next Step?"

Whilst it?s not absolutely essential, I?d always recommend contacting a qualified professional (a dietician or nutritionist). It makes life a whole lot easier for you and is the biggest shortcut you?ll find when trying to lose weight sustainably. 

These professionals will help you work everything out for your individual body. They will tell you the exact energy, macronutrients and more required for you as an individual. This will eliminate all the hard work for you. 

If you are serious about starting a sustainable weight loss journey and don?t know any professional that can help you, then feel free to reach out to me. I?d be more than happy to help you!

Feel free to check out my products and services here. But, in summary, I will work out the exact ?numbers? for your body, provide you with training, and can also write you structured, tailored meal plans. You will also get constant support and guidance, which is essential in any weight loss journey! I can even teach you how you can write your own meal plans that are best for your individual body. Basically, I will help you lose weight and teach you all the skills that you?ll need to maintain your weight loss results for the rest of your life!